I have been curious about this thing… Why do most artists & photographers go to walled city for photo-walks or for features or study projects? Why walled city had been fascination for ages for artists??? I might have not been able to understand this, if I had not been there myself. There is this feeling of being at home. The feeling that ‘there is something more, look to the other side, and look deep, look dearly’. An unending mystery even in most common things. It has that aura, which an artist can never get tired of.

But, wait… Whom I am referring to as an Artist? An Artist is a descriptive term applied to a person who engages in an activity deemed to be an art. An artist also may be defined unofficially as "a person who expresses him- or herself through a medium". (Wikipedia) Well, we will consider the unofficial definition more, because it captures those who are there to feel…. (This is what we are exactly focusing on now i.e. feeling it) So, if you not think of yourself as an artist, still you can go there because you can feel the attraction of that place. *cheers*
If I tell you, why do I like to go there or have been there, it’s because I have deep interest in history & artefacts and secondly I love everything that’s original and mundane… I feel free while I am exploring, I feel as if I am welcomed wholeheartedly to know the stories that are happening on regular basis or that happened years ago. I feel those intricate windows even when closed, have story to tell and when opened, are embracing and inviting me to come in and stand there…
I feel like I am home, even though, I am a stranger there… I do belong to same city but for people, I am just a stranger… But, still, I feel safe, I feel my presence is not overwhelming to anyone, so I don’t necessarily have to be on guard and I can relax a bit and explore and walk as much as I can… I am free to feel the fascination the place has to offer. I am allowed to be myself… In true sense, public space like streets and markets are exactly meant to make you feel this way. They give you the sense of belonging…

So, maybe that’s the reason why artists, who are curious by nature, and always in to discover something new, ready to find inspiration, to feel connection with self, to feel love, to feel, something or anything, go there & keep on going. The freedom for an artist to be himself is the basic need, they will naturally go to such place, in order to create something amazing, and they will keep on going to places which let them create. Take my point here!
And to be more specific, it’s true, for a photographer. There are so many objects & details to capture, an amazing play of lights and shadows to get an amazing and awe inspiring shot, an opportunity to capture same place with different outlook as time of day changes, amazing activities going around to be a part of the feature, all those cheerful faces and facial expressions too original to be true… A place where there is no falseness but originality and rawness… And on top of that, there is no sense of insecurity or possessiveness, you are free to capture and feel connected. Oh my, how can you not just be there, and feel it all.

Oh!!! And the colours!!! You can find all variety of colours there, whether, within or outside of shops, on the streets, or people wearing them… And it’s so appealing, like it reminds you to be happy, cheerful and positive and also loved… Even though the environment there, is busy, hustling, and even dark shadowy (because of narrow layout) but the beauty is how people and their activities brings energy and vibrancy to the same environment and make it lively and inspiring… Whenever, I return, I feel myself charged and at peace, there must be something going right! Right?

The most beautiful attraction factor about Walled City, Lahore is that it embraces everyone without any discrimination – and I am referring to people here, who live there, who own it and still aren’t possessive over it, but… embraces all visitors, with kindness and open heart, visitors who are there to learn about history of a place that is home to those people now…
A point to mention here, just in case, if you are there aimlessly or out of lame curiosity or highly practical stuff, you might find different behaviour of people i.e. truly justified. As you get what you seek and how you seek it. Well! Do you think is it easy? Can you do it? Can you let people walk around and explore and barge into your place? Well, to me, it needs real courage to be so open-hearted and vulnerable to let a stranger in and to let him get for himself whatever he wants (no harm allowed though). By the way, such courage comes with love and compassion, for which Pakistanis are already known for.
Okay, I agree, at times, you might feel ‘eyes on you’, but to be honest, it’s just curiosity – if you don’t feel it, it won’t bother you. And how did I get this point? See, I am there for sake of my curiosity… I am capturing people in my personal camera… I am intruding into their personal property… If they are letting me do it all, if they are trusting my intentions, then I must trust them too… Makes sense? All creative field artists need to learn the art of tolerance to whatever comes their way. To not let it harm them but not let it bother them either. When an individual is no longer afraid of someone or something & move on with the trust in the unseen or focus on the positive side, only then one can learn about wonders… Agreed?

Ending with this note: Be an observer & a learner & set off to the journey and the path yourself, it will unveil awesome lessons to you! Trust me! Looking through the lens of heart will bring awesome views to the sight. InshaAllah. And let me to tell you here: just like how public spaces portrays the image of a city, Lahore’s Walled City portrays the authentic spirit of a True Lahori and its culture. So, come visit us! We are open always! Khushamdeed!
Picture Credits: These amazing pictures of lifestyle at Lahore’ Walled City are captured by Salman Amjad. Do check his Instagram account for more amazing stories sharing the beauty & originality out there.
P.S. In the link mentioned below, you can check out our small project video made in order to capture the Essence of Lifestyle at Walled City. Music might remind you of how you felt while being in the hustle bustle of that place. Hopefully! If you like it, give it thumbs up!
Thanks to our D.O.P Shaheryar & Asfandyar Beyg for creating this so well.
Now go, watch it and enjoy! And don’t forget to share it as well.