A place appears to be lively and secure due to human presence. If we see other people projecting good energy and vibes, finding comfort in a place, the people in the surrounding, alone or in groups naturally reflect that energy as well or finds comfort in the place in other words. That’s basic human nature. But the point to ponder is what brings people out in place? What attracts them to a place? William H. Whyte has answered that very well:
What attracts people most, it would appear, is other people."
But the first question that might arise regarding people in a place, would be, what are they doing in the place? Undoubtedly, people presence makes a place lively but a meaningful presence and activity makes it secure and worthy of being in. So, what do we expect from a place where people are present and doing their activities freely. Ever wondered that? What activities and people generally come to your mind about any place in your mind?
If people are free to do what they want to do, we can see different people in a place, beyond gender roles and racism. We can see them as beings – a human more than just an appearance but a being, fulfilling a purpose and living a life. It might be different from your trials and aspirations but when all people with differences comes together that’s how a picture gets completed. Whole is always greater than the sum of its parts. But to get to the whole, we need to pay attention to the parts and bring them whole together in a rightful manner.
I am going to share a list of people doing/ offering different activities as per their needs (fulfilled we assume, as we picture an ideal place) and abilities. So, let’s see how many different people and activities we can come up with regarding any public place and how these small parts can complete a whole picture and make it vibrant and lively. Feel free to share and add any type to this list. For the picture, allow your imagination to run wild and feel the human presence around you. Imagine yourself in any place you want and keep on adding these people if their activities suit the place in your mind.
A vendor with a convenient space selling his goods, having some seating space to entertain customers as well if he is a food vendor. A busker playing music and entertaining others in a space where there are people who will pay for it. A local artist making & selling sculpture or artwork. A market goer or customer making his way to exchange or buy goods. A commuter or food van parked in a secure place during the day, performing duties to provide others with services.
An office worker who came to eat outside with fresh air away from the computer screen. Maintenance workers relaxing & stretching to get started with work again, also they have some space to store equipments in the meantime. A book reader sitting in a quite secluded space totally absorbed by his book. A runner or walker out in space with fresh air and doing exercise for healthy life. A local resident enjoying a quiet space in which to appreciate nature as he has no garden. An old man sitting under a tree watching kids play. Few couples (of all ages) sitting at different spots talking about things that matter to them, unaware of people around them. Few of them are just walking as well, one of them has a baby stroller and they are walking in the place in front of you.
A human being simply connecting with nature & its creations. A tourist or 1st generation migrant exploring, learning more about the culture of city & collecting memento from the visit, subjects & objects to photograph, activities to participate in and much more, doing it all freely without bothering or feeling any eyes on him/her. A differently able person having a convenient access zones towards public spaces, toilets & amenities. An emergency aid provider rapidly accessing to patient in a space to give first aid without barriers.
Have you pictured it all, or most of it? How did it feel like? Do you want to go there, where people are? Indeed, people go where people are. People generally go out for needs and entertainment, activities like shopping, work, play, leisure time, something new, rest and to distress. That’s a basic human need as well. Therefore, the foremost objective for any public space project should be to provide activities & entertainment for all kinds of users considering their needs & demands. Only that will make a place livelier and secure, even though it is not the only way to do it, but it is the first step to start from. Equity and Inclusion strategy as we call it in placemaking.
And as you enjoyed it all, just for a moment think about it from the ‘eyes of the child’. Oh the wonderful eye that registers everything in his mind and stores everything in his pure heart. What great messages would he be learning if he was in such environment? How happy and secure he must be feeling! How much liveliness his presence and sense of being would be adding to the place! What else can be a true indicator of liveable city if not than the presence of happy children in streets and public spaces? Think about that too, because it is important.
*I didn't want to break the flow as you imagine places of your choice and people busy in their activities, so sharing some photos at the end together. These pictures of Pakistan are taken from different sources: Salman Amjad, Shabee Fatima, Bilal Ahmad, Muhammad Hassan, Jeeyaa and Google.