The behavior of people in public spaces brings to light the issues that the nation or citizens are facing not only on surface level but on deeper level as well.... If only one has time to focus, observe and analyze. After that when an issue is brought to surface one must try to help solve them in a compassionate manner instead of sitting there and criticize and complain about things. And what one must remember always, the change starts with one human, let that human be you!
So being an observer here is what I have to share with you.... 1. We often observe intolerance and impatience in people on road, everyone wants to pass through first, not allowing other person to move ahead or waiting for their own turn. Well, "waiting??", what's that term mean! Unfortunately, we seem to be ignorant of this term. Here in Pakistan, it is sarcastically said "tu lang ja saadi kher" meaning "you can walk over us, we are okay with that". These kind of sarcastic remarks comes from deep disappointment I believe and it is becoming our limited belief with time, unconsciously, which is not good. The reason being consumerism culture to me where everything is available at just one click that people have forgotten the habit of waiting for right time and instant gratification being one big disastrous mindset due to that as well. Also, the rat race in which everyone is rushing blindly.

So next time you are outside, observe.... Not only others yourself as well.... Are you rushing? Are you part of the rat race everyone is? Is it hard for you to wait for your turn? How does it feel in your body? Where can you sense it within you? How is it showing up in your behavior? Then, observe in others, around you, how can you see it happening around you? Is it worth being a part of and keep on practicing daily? If not, what else would you like to practice daily so you may become that human who is tolerant and patient and going with the flow of nature. InshaAllah.
2. People have lost respect for eachother including themselves. You can see it in the ways people treat eachother on road or any other public space. The way they address eachother, the name calling, the harassment cases particularly with girls/women, the bullying with boys, even the abusive behavior and language very frequently seen around. I find some signages and quotations on vehicles as disrespectful and sarcastic as well, there is no need for that but it is frequently seen because sense of humor is being misunderstood and an excuse for disrespect. I wonder why people have forgotten that respect is a fundamental need and moral value of a human being. Allah has given a human being great respect , why people have forgotten their value and position?

So, do you think that those who disrespect strangers would respect those at home? Do you know that the relationship we have with ourselves is what we reflect on the outside with others? How is your relationship with others? How do you treat others? How is your relationship with yourself? How do you treat yourself in times of tension and stress? How do you show yourself self respect? Is it all making sense to you?
3. I see adults (mainly homeless people and drug addicts I am referring here) showcasing disgusting habits and activities in public and open spaces and living their lives as very discouraging and pitiful state and then I wonder when I see children around them, (also homeless) not addicts yet but what else would they be if they see no good example around them? Children follow the steps of elders, what are they seeing, what are they copying? Unfortunately I have seen 2 children once mimicking how to smoke hiding from the elders, I have also seen children name calling and harassing girls older than them, I have also seen children laughing at lame jokes just like how elders would with different understanding and intention though, I have seen lot... I wish I was ignorant but I am not....

So what do you think how can this situation be minimized? Do these adults need to be schooled or these kids? What future do you see for them? What might be the cause of their homelessness and drug addiction? What would our kids be learning from them as they see them frequently on roads on daily basis? What mindset and behavior do we need to teach our children towards these people they encounter directly or indirectly? What could be our role as responsible citizens? Do share with me.
4. Leisure, rest and play are rights of all human beings. As we all work daily, either being a student or working person be at home or at office or any profession, the homemakers are included as well... But do we have time and space to rest play and have a leisure time? Is it for free? Are we given the opportunities to enjoy and rest? Are we availing those opportunities? I mainly see people, now, spending their free times in restaurants or in markets.... Consumerism alert! Spending money isn't my kind of rest, play or leisure activity, i mean spending money now would mean, me being disturbed to earn money again for more free time or my responsibilities. For me that's double the pressure and stress. Isn't it true?
For me, leisure walk on street or in the park that's more relaxing and relieving, the interaction with nature even for few minutes is a source of energy booster but I find it difficult because of the security concerns mainly due to lack of facilities and vehicles on road and yes creepy people lacking mannerism... But, why other people are not outside? I mean if there are more people out for rest and leisure wouldn't it feel secure, the natural surveillance would be such a great support. But do we have time for that, is it a priority for us? Why not? Is rat race and consumerism culture is again a culprit here? What do you think? Do you go out or not? Why yes or no?
5. Any public space a learning ground, we get to meet strangers and interact with them and learn something from them, we get to experience nature and all its glory and lessons, we get to experience and face different challenges as well. We get to meet people of different races and backgrounds and share the place with them without feeling any threat and there's a chance of becoming a friend with them even if it's just a salam dua friend meaning someone you only meet to greet and part ways (on daily basis) how amazing that is.... But for quite some time we haven't been allowed to be outside especially children and women to experience the outside world so we see lot of children and women lacking social skills and having self esteem issues because they weren't allowed to grow and fulfill their developmental needs. No wonder why our nation lack leaders...!

So I want to ask you now, what else have you been able to observe in public spaces around you and what other people behaviors teach you about the crisis in your country? What sort of crisis are there? I have only mentioned 5 but there are many that I have observed. What solution do you have to mitigate these crisis?
Do you think if we reclaim our public spaces being a responsible citizen and being a better human (not just supposing that we are but becoming one) and set new examples rather good examples of how a society should behave and be and inspire our children as responsible adults and showcase good moral values, can that be a sensible step to transform our communities and the behaviors around us? There is nothing to prove to anyone just to be... Just to live a healthy life for ourselves. Just a lifestyle that's not only good for me or you but for everyone... Do you think that it can be done? Do you want to do it?
Share your feedback. I am here listening.
