The Master plan of Punjab University, Allama Iqbal Campus is such that, the surroundings of Architecture department is the common space for public, between three buildings (Art & Design, Pharmacy and PUCIT). Architecture Department lacks enclosure & separate identity due to its location and direct opening to the common street. But, similarly, its presence can also act as a host to all the passersby. The open space with cafeteria & the two semi-enclosed grounds surrounds the Architecture Department as well. We see it as a perfect opportunity to educate and highlight about elements of a public space.
So, as a good host, transforming spaces & adding life to them with students of Architecture Department was the key focus of Placemaking at PUCAD.
The goals to transform the quality of space were:
1. Reclaim the open space for students use & social interactions
2. Provide a Welcoming & Cheerful Environment to students of different departments, equally.
3. Add an artistic sculptural intervention as a parasite to Department Building to seek attention of people passing by in routine, to the spaces transformed & mark the identity of Architecture Department building ultimately.
4. Provide a new perspective to look through the spaces – “How they are & what they can be”.

1. Reclaiming Open Space for Public Use
The public space that was just an open space with students passing by rather than taking benefit from the place & spending quality time was transformed into a welcoming & comfortable space so the students can use it & make memories together while adding liveliness to their context.

2. Parasite - The sculptural Intervention
The public space belonging to Architecture Department & Arts College that was just a street for students to walk by & nothing interesting to be fascinated by was transformed into a ‘street as a place’ by adding a sculptural intervention as an artistic identity & memorable pictures & moment of inspiration.

3. A new perspective
The space that carried the potential of providing a cozy space for students to sit, study, rest or play had no proper place to sit or to relate and thus it was just a street to cross quickly towards the studio. The broken old furniture was up-cycled and brought into use again, and added colours to the space. And the rope mesh installation created a sense of space through a psychological enclosure. And the space created attracted people to utilize the space for their daily chat with Just a Nice Place to sit phenomenon.

Transforming the open space adjacent to a Cafeteria and the street resulted into a Cafeteria Square where central ground as well as the streets is used as a place for social interactions. Moreover, the art intervention through creative placemaking had made people to stop and look around the space and have pictures to cherish the memories of artistic inspiration. A space that lacked ownership in the past is now seen being cherished by students of different departments and we see all appreciating the livability rather than claiming ownership for the place.
BONUS: Here's the link to video documentation of the process that brought people together and made great things happen and inspired many...