(This article is a personal insight to how I have come to understand agoraphobia and my own fear associated with public spaces of Lahore that developed over time, in order to identify the root causes of what went wrong and how to create better places; that will help me and others overcome fear associated with my beloved city)
Lahore is known as one of the friendliest cities in the world, with never ending warmth - Lahoris are filled with. The city is an endless source of inspiration for its people, with all its multi-faceted glory. Individuality and Originality are the essence of Lahore. Cultures from all across the country have been mixed together here in such a way, that Lahore can exhibit the whole culture, tradition and heritage of Pakistan. This intermixing of different cultures have been possible and successful due to its warm and welcoming people; and originality in identity has survived due to its values anchored in built environment as long lasting reminder.
In Lahore history, the built environment, was designed for humans and their interactions, and there human scale and morals depending on Islamic culture were significant features. But today in Lahore, natural environment is being damaged for the sake of industrialisation and privatisation through urban sprawl. The secret of lively and compassionate city, being in daily physical interactions is being lost to city being developed for cars, rather than people. Distances are increasing, trees are being cut down, greys are taking over green, street level connection is being disturbed with flyovers construction, natural features are being neglected and instead of benefiting are cause of health sickness due to pollution. For the sake of immediate economic uplift, hasty investments are being made, where investment in public spaces and parks is long term beneficial investment.
Urban Spaces in Lahore have not been designed with objectives of livability, place-making, memory retention etc. Profit-based planning following concepts of modernism is being done, which has brought with it: cars and wide roads, visual barriers that obstruct physical and psychological movement within the environment, and ultimately vacant spaces with garbage resulting into places where children don’t play. The spaces aren’t successful due to multiple factors not considered while designing: thermal comfort, sense of security, lack of activity magnets, accessibility, porosity etc. which lead to livable and attractive designs.
All these factors lead to barriers that might affect human sense of safety, position and health in an environment physically and psychologically. Therefore, not believing that our environment has no affect on our mental and physical health is a matter of ignorance and insanity. The need of hour is to identify the root causes and get rid of them in order to invest in human health and healthy nation ultimately.
Agoraphobia is one out of many outcomes associated with mental and emotional health issues. It can be associated with public spaces because public spaces allow humans to connect with unknown environment and human beings and if it lacks the sense of safety and belonging it can lead to anxiety and panics. People suffer from agoraphobia due to already existing anxiety and mental health issues but the external environment acts as trigger for those underlying anxieties and unresolved traumas.

Agoraphobia is an anxiety disorder defined as group of phobias embracing fears of leaving home, open spaces, entering crowds, public places, travelling alone, public transportation, enclosed spaces etc with or without panic attacks. People with agoraphobia fear these situations because of their worry about their escape that would be difficult or embarrassing. Therefore, they avoid these situations so they don’t feel anxious. It is identified by people’s behavioural response to spaces & environment. So what is meant by agoraphobia with respect to external environment?
Also, the term 'agora' literally mean a 'gathering place' or 'assembly'. It used to be a central public space in ancient Greek city-states. The agora was the center of the athletic, artistic, spiritual and political life in the city. Thus, the phobias associated with places outside home and outdoor spaces are termed as 'agoraphobia'.
Here’s my personal study about how I perceive the factors of environment and associate them with the symptoms of Agoraphobia:
FEAR OF CROWD: A lot of people are afraid of crowded places because it’s overwhelming & stressful. Escape gets difficult. The basic spaces associated are roads, market places, shopping malls, restaurants, operas, theatres, public transport, travelling and the triggers being traffic jams, terrorism, absence of nature as well, impatience to wait and continuous trails etc. The responses that are commonly observed are people tend to avoid public spaces due to crowd, the outdoor spaces are now being vacant & indoor spaces are gaining popularity, people are failing at socializing, streets are becoming dead.

FEAR OF BEING ALONE: Human beings are social by nature & needs company for social dependency & comfort. Thus, travelling alone naturally drains energy to some extent & unsafe environment makes it more difficult to walk alone & therefore person suffers anxiety & life threatening situations. Spaces associated are wide open spaces, empty streets, abandoned places, unsafe streets, specialized areas and the triggers being crime situation, safety & security threat, design causing dependency etc. The common responses are people tend to avoid travelling alone especially women & children (deprives from self confidence in an individual), hidden crimes threats make people avoid places, accidental scenarios keep one anxious, situation worsens with time.
FEELING OF DETACHMENT FROM OTHERS: A place should offer sense of connection & belonging to all, so there is something all can enjoy in place individually while being with others. The symptoms are apparent in spaces like single-use destination, mega structures; wide open areas and the triggers are lack of sense of belonging, lack of human scale, lack of visual connection etc. The responses are people tend to avoid places where they might get judged or feel like not belonging, physical & psychological disconnection makes people avoid situations or places.

FEAR OF PUBLIC SPACES: People tend to use privatized public spaces more than general open public places – markets & streets & parks. All public places – streets & roads, squares, markets, parks & public buildings causes the symptoms where triggers are fortresses development (no transparency), physical & psychological barriers, lack of freedom of movement, uncomfortable environment & amenities, lack of attractive design etc. Unfortunate responses are people now relate leisure to objects & amenities rather rest, nature or activities, great number of people avoid open public spaces, public spaces are being filled with drug addicts or homeless people, public places tend to fail in attracting people towards it.

FEAR OF LEAVING COMFORT ZONE: Majority of people suffer from this anxiety. Thus, they avoid places with challenges or natural environment & go to places that they have already adapted to like air conditioned rooms & video games etc. Places like abandoned places, roads, unhealthy environment with triggers pollution, fear of accidents, fear of health hazards, fast pace roads, unattractive environment, privatized public places, crime etc. The responses are people prefer staying indoors rather than on roads due to heat or lack of safety, people breathe in air conditioned rooms rather than in open natural air, people today are lethargic & used to comfort, they avoid competitions, challenging situations & changing environments.
ANXIETY OR PANIC ATTACKS: People usually suffer from anxiety when experience new environment or change – or try to control instead of accepting it. Commonly evident in external environment or external pressure with triggers being de-personalization, inability to cope with internal stress, repressed emotions, lack of freedom of expression etc. The responses are people get depressed or sick by suppressing their anxiety or take it in bad terms, they invest time in what keeps them safe not what gives them joy (ultimately it contracts their muscles instead of expanding).
Can you relate to any of these symptoms or triggers or responses that you might be going through consciously or unconsciously? I am sure, you are. There are solutions as well but it starts with your personal awareness and a desire to raise voice for the things that matter. Let it be your personal health and health of your loved ones and the entire nation. And sympathise with those who are suffering from it, try to understand them, be more empathetic, help them get rid of it with support and healthy connection.

I will conclude this case with the point that urban spaces in Lahore should be more humane and less intimidating i.e. more proportional to human scale instead of cars. Pedestrian should be considered priority as users than cars. Human health and social well-being should be prioritized on materialism and profit, by considering all kinds of users. Because first we develop and design our spaces and environment and then they develop us, therefore, it matters!